It’s A Small World

January 22nd, 2012 by

Well, I made this one a while ago and try to imagine what fun it was cutting the streets out ( they are 1 piece ! ) and then afterwards glueing it together with the globe. Another tricky thing which seems to be quite easy but is very hard is to cut out circles. And please don’t forget, when you do a handmade collage you only get one chance to glue. So think before you act.

Size : 22,7 x 34,2 cm


January 22nd, 2012 by

I guess this portrait is another example of using colour and black and white together in one work.

Size : 25,9 x 38,3 cm

Playing With Sound And Rhythm

January 5th, 2010 by

The correct title of this collage is : ‘ Playing with sound and rhythm (  portret van Greg Osby ) ‘. Here I wanted to create a sparkling and alive surrounding, just like the music by G. Osby. By adding the text it’s possible to play around a little and make your own sentences in many different ways. This kind of using text is also a very common habit in the art of the  DaDa movement and I also do it sometimes. When I cut all these little letters I allways have to think back to the punkie times and I get a smile on my face.

Size : 33,5 x 29,2 cm     Status : AvailablePlayingwithsoundandrhythm

No Title 2008

January 5th, 2010 by

Although I was listening to the radio when putting this one together I also constantly heard ‘ Welcome to the machine ‘ by Pink Floyd in my head. There is a dark and moody atmosphere here which reminds of ‘1984’ by Orwell as well.

Size : 35,2 x 23,1 cm     Status : Not available


Bloemenkind (portret van Nadja)

December 22nd, 2009 by

This portrait I made with and for my good friend Nadja P. Again the combination of black&white and colour has been used to give the work an extra tension. The butterflies I pinched of M.C Escher, one of my all time favorite artists. By using them I could exactly create the 3d effect I was looking for.

Size : 30 x 43,5 cm     Status : Not Available' Bloemen ( portret van Nadja)

De Man En De Vogel

December 22nd, 2009 by

The background of this work I used in different variations in other works too. Everything must fly I thought when putting this piece together. What’s also quite important is that the lighting  in all the different elements kinda fits together. But man flying and running at the same time, how he possibly can get forward?

Size : 40,5 x 28,5 cm     Status : AvailableDe-man-en-de-vogel600-3WEB


December 16th, 2009 by

I made this collage as a birthday present for a friend of mine. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday he said he wanted a collage. I suggested he gave me a theme or a subject and he said “Asia”. In this collage I tried to find a way to show the thoughts I get when I think of Asia, which are lots of people, big crowds and a strong belief in religion and traditions. Because I wanted to keep the original I gave my friend a high quality copy in a frame and it’s still hanging on his wall.

Size : 24,5 x 32,5 cm     Status : AvailableAzie

Slipping Into Darkness

December 16th, 2009 by

With this collage I wanted to show a darker side of me. Lots of my work has bright colours and happy themes, but every now and then I like to slip into darkness. It’s just another expression of another emotion." Slipping into darkness "

When Time Stood Still

December 16th, 2009 by

Here it was very important that the laying giant figure would exactly fit into the background. The red flames in the left corner and on the alarmclock kinda glue the collage together. All the blue globes represent the lively things we come across when dreaming. When we’re alseep time does not exist, it just stands still.

Size : 29,5 x 42,3 cm   Status : Not available

" When time stood still "

The Last Man Standing

December 16th, 2009 by

Very rarely I make a political statement in my work, but with this one I tried to show my feeling and concern about our world. The last man on earth is already in the eyes of the vulture that knows that all it has to do is wait.

Size : 30,8 x 34,5 cm     Status : Available" The Last man standing "

Black And White Jazz

December 16th, 2009 by

This one I made as a birthday-present for my best friend Maurice V. When I asked him to give me a theme he said : “Black and white jazz” and I directly knew it was gonna be a black&white collage with black and white jazz musicians, and it had to be the size of an L.P-cover.

Size : 31,4 x 31,4 cm     Status : Not available" Black and white jazz "

No Title 1992

December 16th, 2009 by

This is a very important work for me, cause it’s one of the few works I made with my own photo’s. It’s also one of the few ones where I used another artist’s work. The NY-photo I made when I got up to the Empire-State-Building and at that moment also kinda got rid of my ‘being-scared-of-heights’. The colour images are photo’s I made out of a Rick Griffin book. The problem with working with photo’s is that they are to thick to be cut accurately.

In the process of making this one I also found out that i love to combine black&white and colour. This element is still very important in my recent work as well.

Size : 17,5 x 28,0 cm     Status : Not available
